A better choice for families

Minimize damage, maximize results

Family mediation

Want an amicable end to your relationship?

Mediation provides an opportunity to finish the business of splitting up, with the help of professionals trained to reduce conflict and promote cooperation.

By sitting down together, you create the opportunity for growth and compromise. Lay the foundation for healthier relationships by working with a professional trained in conflict resolution.

Want to separate without hurting your kids?

The evidence shows divorce itself won’t hurt your kids - rather, it is exposure to parental conflicts that causes lasting damage.

By deciding to mediate, you’ll start off on the right foot toward a healthy co-parenting relationship, modeling for your children how to resolve conflicts even in the most difficult circumstances.


Want an expert to weigh in, without lawyering up?

Our attorney-mediators can provide neutral opinions about how your court would likely decide your case and recommend solutions to tough-to-resolve conflicts.

Work together, get answers, share the cost.



Be heard, work it out, move on.


Our mediators are family law attorneys, but they don’t represent either party when mediating. Instead, they help the parties reach a settlement, providing neutral legal information, document preparation, and procedural guidance.


95% of family cases settle outside of court, so why waste your time and money on court hearings? By choosing to mediate, you move straight to settlement, saving time, money, and heartache.


Many mediated cases are resolved within six months, because the parties don’t have to wait for court hearings to resolve their disputes.


Mediators are specially trained to help parties settle their disputes by listening closely, asking questions, and suggesting solutions.


We do the paperwork

We help complete your case, from start to finish.

Attorney-drafted papers

Getting divorced or separating from a co-parent is painful and difficult enough without the added stress of trying to navigate the court system. Let us do the complex, tedious work of preparing your paperwork and focus your energy on other important things.

get it right, get it done

An attorney’s eyes will make sure your paperwork is complete, correct, and properly filed, so you don’t have to worry if you’re doing it right, and on time. Let us handle the bureaucracy while you spend your time doing what you need to do to move forward.

keep it private

Mediation is privileged; that means you can’t introduce anything said or written during the course of mediation as evidence in a court of law. You can feel comfortable discussing whatever needs to come up.

Once you have reached an agreement that feels right, we will help you put it in a form that will be filed with the court.

walk away at any time

Don’t like how it’s going? Feel like you didn’t make a good deal? You can walk away at any time. The agreements you make don’t become binding until they are signed by both parties.

You’ll always have the chance to consult independent counsel before agreeing to anything.


breaking up is hard to do

Mediation makes it easier.

Decide if it is right for you during a free consultation with one of our attorney-mediators.


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The transmission of information contained through this website or communication with Cordial Family Lawyers, LLP via the Internet or e-mail through this website does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between us and you. You should not send us any confidential information in response to this website. Such responses will not create an attorney-client relationship, and anything you disclose to us will not be confidential or privileged unless we have agreed to act as your legal counsel and you have executed an engagement agreement with us.